Percakapan Expressing Sympathy (Mengungkapkan Rasa Simpati)

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Expressing Sympathy (Mengungkapkan Rasa Simpati) - Masih dengan berbagai latihan untuk berbicara atau speaking, kali ini kita juga akan belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris singkat. Percakapan kali ini adalah percakapan express sympathy dimana dalam percakapan tersebut kita akan belajar bagaimana mengungkapkan rasa simpati.

In your daily life you often want to show your attention or possibly sympathy to others. Do you know how to do them very well? To give more exercises here are some examples of English dialog (Dialog Bahasa Inggris) to express sorry or Sympathy “I’m Sorry to Hear That”. (Percakapan Expressing Sympathy)

Percakapan Express Sympathy
Denias :
Hi, Retno.
(Hai Retno)

Retno :
Hi, Denias.
(Hai Denias)

Denias :
You were absent for two days. Where were you?
(Kamu tidak masuk dua hari. Kemana saja kamu?)

Retno :
My family and I went to my cousin’s wedding party.
(Aku dan keluargaku pergi ke pesta pernikahan keponakanku)

Denias :
I see. Where was it?
(Aku tahu, dimana itu?)

Retno :
It was in Surabaya. It took five hours to get there.
(Di Surabaya. Butuh waktu 5 jam untuk sampai disana)

Denias :
How was the party?
(Bagaimana pestanya)

Retno :
It was great, but there was something bad that happened.
Denias :
Really? What was that?
(Benarkah? Apa itu?)

Retno :
The bride fainted after the party was over.
(Mempelai perempuannya pingsan setelah pesta selesai)

Denias :
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Was she sick?
(Oh... Aku turut berduka mendengarnya. Apakah dia sakit?)

Retno :
Actually, she was not. She was just too tired. Fortunately, she soon recovered.
(Sebenarnya dia tidak sakit. Dia hanya begitu letih. Untungnya dia segera siuman)

Denias :
That’s good. Anyway, the bell is ringing. Let’s go back to the class.
(Bagus. Omong-omong bel berbunyi. Mari kembali ke kelas)

Retno : Okay.

Setelah percakapan yang di atas kita lanjutkan pelajaran bahasa Inggris kita kali ini dengan berlatih satu percakapan lagi. Silahkan dipelajari dialog-nya di bawah ini.

Percakapan Mengungkapkan Simpati
Adib :
Hi, Ruben. What a nice hat!

Ruben :
Oh, hi Adib. Thank you for saying so.

Adib :
Is that new?

Ruben :
No, actually. My grandfather gave me this hat last Christmas.

Adib :
I see. Well, I heard you went to Medan last Christmas.

Ruben :
You’re right. My family and I spent the holiday with our relatives there.

Adib :
How was it?

Ruben :
It was a nice gathering. We spent three days there. However, there was something annoying in our way home from Medan.

Adib :
What was it?

Ruben :
I lost my wallet.

Adib :
I’m sorry to hear that. How did it happen?

Ruben :
I thought I dropped it in the taxi. However, when I called the taxi company, they said they found nothing in the taxi.

Adib :
How upsetting.

Ruben :
Moreover, I lost all my identity cards.

Adib :
That’s a pity.

Percakapan Mengungkapkan Rasa Simpati

Demikian tadi, di atas telah diberikan beberapa contoh bagaimana cara kita untuk mengungkapkan rasa simpati kepada orang lain. Sekarang dengan Percakapan Expressing Sympathy (Mengungkapkan Rasa Simpati) tersebut kita bisa belajar lebih pintar dalam mengungkapkan simpati terhadap seseorang. Itu saja, semoga bermanfaat!