Percakapan Granting Request dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Percakapan Singkat, Granting Request - Untuk Granting Request: Will you help me? ini tentu akan membantu kita dalam belajar conversation khususnya tentang permintaan atau request. Tentu saja belajar dengan berbagai dialog atau percakapan seperti ini akan meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kita. Ingin langsung belajar Percakapan Granting Request tersebut, silahkan langsung di bawah ini.

You will study the conversation for granting request and do you know how to request someone help? Yeah…here we will learn how to requesting for help from the conversation between Dorothy and Asma below. You may use this as reference for requesting help.

Percakapan Granting Request

Dorothy :
Hi, Asma. Are you busy now?

Asma :
Well, I’m just finishing an assignment. What is it?

Dorothy :
I have to make a report on a thanksgiving celebration form another region. Will you help me?

Asma :
Well, I’m not sure. I have to finish my assignment too.

Dorothy :
It won’t take long, I promise. I’m just going to ask you some information. Please…

Asma :
Oh, OK.

Dorothy :
Thank you.

Asma :
What do you want to know?

Dorothy :
Well I heard that there’s a thanksgiving celebration in Malaysia. Please tell me about it.

Asma :
Alright. Well, there is a thanksgiving celebration called Kadazan harvest festival or locally known as Tadau Ka’amatan. It is celebrated every May. It is celebrated to thank the Rice God. They believe that without rice there is no life.

Doroty :
What things are done during the festival?

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Asma :
People usually wear their traditional costumes and they give tapai (homemade fermented rice wine) to each other. Traditional games, buffalo races, agricultural shows and cultural programs are performed.

Dorothy :
Is that all?

Asma :
Well, that’s all that I know.

Dorothy :
OK, thanks a lot.

Asma :

Percakapan Granting Request dalam Bahasa Inggris

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