Contoh Percakapan Asking Opinion

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Contoh Percakapan Asking Opinion - Ada satu lagi materi yang baik untuk kita pelajari yaitu materi tentang bagaimana cara menanyakan pendapat. Seperti kita tahu, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering kali kita memerlukan pendapat orang lain sebelum memutuskan sesuatu.

Contohnya, saat ingin membeli baju baru kita sering bertanya apakah baju tersebut cocok atau tidak, apakah mahal atau tidak dan lain sebagainya. Nah melalui pertemuan kita kali ini kita akan belajar berbagai macam cara yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menanyakan pendapat tersebut.

Bagaimana cara kita untuk menanyakan pendapat dalam bahasa Inggris? Ya, kita akan membahas masalah ini dengan Percakapan Asking Opinion yang ada pada beberapa contoh berikut.

Bukan hanya contoh tentunya, dalam materi bahasa Inggris kali ini kita akan belajar cara menanyakan pendapat dan juga memberikan pendapat (asking and giving opinion).

Dengan adanya teori atau penjelasan dan juga contoh dialog mudah-mudahan akan lebih mudah bagi kita untuk memahami materi tersebut.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Asking Opinion? Kalau diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, asking opinion adalah menanyakan pendapat yaitu pendapat seseorang terhadap sesuatu.

Berkaitan dengan pendapat (opinion) tersebut kita bisa bertanya pendapat seseorang atau pun memberi pendapat terhadap sesuatu kepada seseorang. Dari pada terlalu lama sekarang kita langsung saja ke Contoh Percakapan Asking Opinion tersebut

The Example of Asking for Opinion. Mastering our speaking skill we also need to know how to ask for opinion. When you are unsure you often need someone’s opinion.

Sometimes others may need your view on some issues. You need to use appropriate expressions to ask for or give opinions. Do you know how to do it well? Below are some conversations in English about how someone asks for other’s opinion. Check these examples out!

Asking for Opinion - What do you think of...
This conversation in English is between mother and her daughter Nita. They are in the shop and want to buy a refrigerator. Mother asks her daughter’s opinion about the refrigerator that she wants.

Asking Opinion - Do You Think I Should...
Yuli and Denis are in the shop. Yuli going to buy some cheap bulbs and Denis tells to buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. Yuli then ask Denis’s opinion whether he should change all the light bulbs in his house or not.

Asking Opinion - What do you Think is the Best Action to...
This conversation is directly opened by Helmi’s question about the best action to reduce global warming. Want to know how is the conversation? Check this out!

Asking Opinion - Do you think that...
Yuda and Eric talk about unplugging the electronic appliances to reduce electric bill. Yuda ask for Eric’s opinion whether the information on the internet about unplugging the electronic appliances to reduce electric bill is true or not. Eric then gives an opinion based on his experiment.

Asking Opinion - What do you Think is the Best Action to. This conversation is directly opened by Helmi’s question about the best action to reduce global warming. Want to know how is the conversation? Check this out!

Helmi : Retno, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?

Retno : I think everyone should start changing their way of life.
Helmi : What do you mean?

Retno : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help reduce global warming.

Helmi : What do you suggest that we should do?

Retno : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity, start recycling things, start using public transport means, buying and consuming as much as we need only, etc. Basically, just save anything that we can.

Helmi : Wow! You know a lot of things about reducing global warming. Where did you learn all of that from?

Retno : Well, I read newspapers, magazines, and also search for information in the internet. Actually, I want to inform what I've learned to everyone so that everybody can start helping to save our mother nature.

Helmi : Youre so awesome. How about if you write it in our school magazine next month?
Retno : That’s a great idea. I'll do that.
Helmi : OK, I've got to go now.
Retno : Bye.

Contoh Percakapan Asking Opinion

That was some examples that I can give for you, just check our collection for more examples about conversation in English. Kalau sudah biasa dengan Contoh Percakapan Asking Opinion di atas sekarang kita bisa lanjut ke beberapa contoh lain yang ada di bawah ini.