Providing Greeting and Parting in English

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Providing Greeting and Parting in English. One of the communication skills have to be mastered is how to give a greeting and farewell encounter. For beginner we need to know a variety of greeting and parting statements which should be used in conversation.

First we will discuss about the statements that should be greeting us know and we memorized after that we will practice dialogues brief greeting and parting.

When we meet someone we know, we usually greet him/her whatever formal or informal. Informal greeting is used when we meet someone we already know each other, like classmates, close friend, or friend. The informal greeting expression, for examples are:
  • Hi
  • Hello
The formal greetings are usually used when we meet someone whom we expect. To express the formal greeting we can use, like these:
  • Good morning : since get up in the morning until have lunch (
  • Good noon : at exactly at 12.00 a.m.
  • Good afternoon : after having lunch until tea time (13.00-17.00)
  • Good evening : after tea time until go to bed (18. 00 – 24)
"Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other animals) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other. Greetings sometimes are used just prior to a conversation or to greet in passing, such as on a sidewalk or trail. (Wikipedia.Org)"

Greeting and Parting Statements

Greeting is what we say to someone when we meet with them while parting speech or expression is given by one person to another person when they are about to split up. To find out how to do the greeting and parting below some examples of statements that are usually used.

Greeting statements
  1. Hi : Hai
  2. Hello : Halo
  3. Peace be upon you : Assalamualaikum
  4. Good morning : Selamat pagi
  5. Good day : Selamat siang
  6. Good afternoon : Selamat siang/sore
  7. Good evening : Selamat malam
  8. Good night : Selamat malam (perpisahan)/selamat tidur
  9. I am glad to see you/glad to see you : Senang berjumpa denganmu
  10. I am happy to see you : Saya senang bertemu denganmu
  11. I am delighted to see you : Saya senang bertemu denganmu
  12. Nice to meet you : senang berkenalan denganmu
  13. It is nice to meet you : Gembira rasanya bertemu denganmu
  14. It is nice to see you : Gembira rasanya mengenalmu
  15. Nice to know you : Senang rasanya mengenalmu

Parting Statements
  • Good bye : Selamat tinggal
  • Bye-bye : da dah
  • Cheerio : sampai jumpa lagi
  • Good night : selamat tinggal (malam hari)
  • So long : sampai jumpa
  • See you : sampai jumpa
  • See you later : sampai jumpa nanti
  • See you next time : Sampai ketemu lain kali
  • See you again : Sampai ketemu lagi
  • See you tomorrow : Sampai jumpa besok
  • See you to night : Sampai jumpa nanti malam
  • See you on Sunday : Sampai ketemu hari minggu
  • Good luck : Semoga berhasil
  • Wish you luck : Semoga beruntung
  • All the best : Segala yang terbaik untukmu
  • God bless you : Tuhan memberkatimu

Example of Providing Greeting and Parting in English

To deepen our knowledge about "how Providing Greeting and Parting in English" following have provided some examples to understand short conversations. Please read and try to apply Greeting and Parting conversation follows.

Conversation I
Mr. Gendut : Hi, Tom
Tommy : Hello, Mr. Gendut. How are you today?
Mr. Gendut : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Tommy : Pretty God, thank you.
Mr. Gendut: Where do you want to go?
Tommy : I want to buy a kilogram of sugar in the store.
Mr. Gendut: Oh really?, See you Tom.
Tommy : Good bye Mr. Gendut.

Conversation II
Gendut: Hi, Good morning Susan?
Susan : Good morning Ndut, What is it?
Gendut: Would you like to go with me to the cinema tonight?
Susan : Sure
Gendut: Nice to hear that, I will pick you up at 7.
Susan : If that so, see you tonight Ndut.
Gendut: See you
Providing Greeting and Parting in English

Thus had the discussion of English language materials this time, hopefully tomorrow we will not hesitate and confused again if faced with a situation that requires us to give a greeting and parting (leave-taking).