Exercise: Composing a long simple sentence

Ditulis oleh: Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris -
Exercise: Composing a long simple sentence. I have shared a post of composing simple sentence before, here I will give another exercise for the topic. On this post I will lead you to compose a long simple sentence that may be rather difficult to be done but I am sure you will be able to do it. Just take a look at the exercise below.

Composing a long simple sentence 

Be prepared to arrange these word into a simple sentence, make it into good order! See the topic about simple sentence on Making a Simple Sentence.


A long simple sentence 1

  1. the 
  2. There 
  3. were 
  4. wet 
  5. dead 
  6. leaves 
  7. on 
  8. of 
  9. the 
  10. paving 
  11. courtyard
A long simple sentence 1

  1. of 
  2. It 
  3. rained 
  4. hard 
  5. the 
  6. all 
  7. the 
  8. shutters 
  9. hospital 
  10. were 
  11. nailed 
  12. shut

A long simple sentence 1
They shot the six cabinet ministers at half-past six in the morning against the wall of a hospital.

Exercise Result Check
Here you can check the result of your writing, just click on the link bellow to find the answer of the exercise above.
Result Check

Thank you for following the test I share here, if you need to know more about the topic just find on our writing material.