Contoh Percakapan Job Interview Journalist

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Contoh Percakapan Job Interview Tentang Journalist - Di contoh sebelumnya, dialog wawancara interview telah dibahas sedikit dan hari ini sebagai lanjutan, Percakapan Job Interview tentang seorang journalist akan kita simak bersama-sama.

Siapa tahu diantara pengunjung ada yang sedang bersiap menghadapi job interview di sebuah perusahaan asing atau lainnya.

Sebelum kita mempelajari contohnya mari kita sempatkan sebentar untuk melihat percakapan yang berkaitan dengan tema pekerjaan ini yaitu tentang job description. Pada percakapan itu tentunya kita akan belajar hal yang berkaitan dengan deskripsi pekerjaan.

Percakapan antara pewawancara dan yang diwawancarai sesuai dengan tema dialog kali ini dapat kita lihat di bawah ini.

Interviewer: Good afternoon, please have a seat.
Interviewee: Thank you.

Interviewer: How are you doing today? Did you have any trouble finding the office?
Interviewee: I'm fine thank you, and I had no trouble at all getting here.
Interviewer: Great. Well let's get started. Could you tell me a little about your educational background?

Interviewee: Yes, I graduated from UCLA in 1995, with a Bachelors degree in journalism. After that I enrolled in NYU's master's program for journalism, graduating in 1998.
Interviewer: I see. Now, how about your work experience?
Interviewee: After I left NYU, I worked for a year at the Daily Newspaper.
Interviewer: And after that?

Interviewee: From there I moved to San Francisco and was employed by the Bay Area Chronicle, covering local and state politics.
Interviewer: What was the biggest story you covered while you were there.

Interviewee: I covered several that I thought were important, but I would have to say the investigative piece I did on the cover-up of the governor's staff involvement in the embezzlement of education funds was the biggest.
Interviewer: How did you like it at the Chronicle?
Interviewee: Overall, I liked it a lot. The people were great and my boss was supportive and understanding.
Interviewer: According to you resume, you left there three months ago. What have you been doing since then?

Interviewee: Mainly taking care of our baby, she just turned three months old. But now I'm ready to go back to work.
Interviewer: What brought you to Denver?
Interviewee: My husband’s company transferred him here last month.
Interviewer: One final question. Why did you apply here? Denver has three daily newspapers to choose from.

Interviewee: I felt that this paper is better suited for my conservative thinking, my unique writing style, and my diverse areas of interest when covering political news.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for your time. We'll be making a selection in a couple of days and will call you one way or the other.
Interviewee: Thank you for seeing me. Have a pleasant day.

Setidaknya ada beberapa point yang dapat kita ambil dari Percakapan Job Interview tersebut. Pertama dalam wawancara kemungkinan kita akan ditanya mengenai riwayat pendidikan sekaligus pengalaman yang dimiliki. 

Lebih jauh lagi, pertanyaan yang paling mungkin dalam job interview adalah mengenai alasan kenapa kita memilih bergabung dengan perusahaan tersebut. So, kita setidaknya dapat mempersiapkan hal-hal tersebut sebelum melakukan interview pekerjaan.

Contoh Percakapan Job Interview Journalist

Jangan lupa untuk melihat contoh dialog interview pekerjaan lainnya yang juga telah dibahas, dan pastikan anda mencatat alamat blog ini untuk mencari berbagai referensi percakapan bahasa Inggris (conversation in English) yang dibutuhkan. Akhirnya, terima kasih atas kunjungan dan kepercayaannya, sampai bertemu pada pembahasan selanjutnya.