Cerita Bahasa Inggris Singkat, Shadow Puppet Show

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Today we will be practicing to sharpen our skills in reading by using materials taken from another source, namely the electronic school books. for this exercise I have quoted one interesting story that can be used as a reading exercise entitled " Shadow Puppet Show: Durna's Trap". Read and study the full story below.

Shadow Puppet Show: Durna's Trap

The story started with Durna who was teaching the art of archery to the children of Hastina Kingdom at the palace's yard. From far away, a young man watched the practice. He was Ekalaya, the crown prince of Parang Gelung Kingdom.

Ekalaya wanted to study with Durna but was rejected, since the man promised only to teach children of Pandawa and Kurawa. Still Ekalaya was neither angry nor revengeful.

His strong will to study from Durna influenced him go to the forest and create a statue of Durna as a symbol of Durna's presence. 

With this statue as his imaginative teacher, Ekalaya learned how to shoot arrows by himself. The result was astonishing; Ekalaya turned very skillful in shooting arrows just like Arjuna, Durna's favorite student.

Ekalaya finally encountered Arjuna, who was hunting in the forest. Arjuna was surprised to find that an arrow struck the animal he was hunting. It turned out the arrow belonged to Ekalaya. Innocently, Ekalaya said he was Durna's student.

Durna was surprised when Arjuna told him about Ekalaya. When he met Ekalaya, Durna trapped him saying he would admit Ekalaya as his student if he cut off the thumb of his right hand as evidence of his loyalty to his master.

Ekalaya followed the request but then realized he had been cheated. Angry and disappointed, he knew Durna did not want anybody to rival Arjuna. Ekalaya became angrier when he was told by his wife that Arjuna was in love with her and challenged Arjuna to a duel.

Although the pharmacology does not too lengthy yet the story can be used as material exercises to learn to read. 

There are many other stories that I will share to workout, just wait for other stories at our next meeting. (Cerita Bahasa Inggris Singkat, Shadow Puppet Show. Adapted from www.joglosemar.co.id. On DODDY, Achmad, dkk. 2008. BSE - Developing English Competencies for Grade X.)

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