11:46:00 PM

Advising and Warning

Example of Advising and Warning - Berikut ini adalah Example of Advising and Warning yang dapat kita gunakan untuk memperdalam bahasa Inggris kita. Disini dipelajari bagaimana memberikan nasehat dan peringatan. Contoh memberikan nasehat dan peringatan dalam bahasa Inggris silahkan dibaca berikut!

Sometimes when you want to prevent something bad to happen to someone, you need to give advise or warn him/her. When you are advising or warning, it is necessary to use appropriate expressions. For those reasons here we will study about some dialogues which talk about Example of Advising and Warning, check them out!

Advising and Warning 1
Panji :
Do you think we need to know about drugs?

Bayu :
Yes, I think everyone should know about it especially teenagers.

Panji :
Why is that?

Bayu :
Well, drugs have side effects and that it can be harmful so everybody should know the truth about it.

Panji :
Where do you think children should learn all of that knowledge from?

Bayu :
In my opinion, their family and teachers are the one who should inform them.

Panji :
Yeah, I guess you're right. They are the closest people around them. Oh, is it really true that we can get addicted only after the first try?

Bayu :
That is certainly true, so if I were you I wouldn't even touch it.

Panji :
Don't worry I wouldn't even get near it.

Bayu :
Good. Make sure you don't get persuaded or attracted by it.

Panji :
Don't worry, I won't.

Advising and Warning 2 
Agus :
Hi, what are you doing?

Bondan :
I'm trying to find sources for the speech in class tomorrow. Have you prepared for it?

Agus :
Yes I have.

Bondan :
What is the topic for your speech?

Agus :
Well, it’s about drug. It’s an argumentative speech suggesting that students should receive drugs free education at school.

Bondan :
Wow that’s an interesting topic. So do you suggest that the teachers should give drugs free education?

Agus :
Actually, it doesn't have to be the teachers. Anyone from the health department, the police, or any Non Government Organization that concerns with drug abuse can give the education. But the government should organize it with them to give information on drugs.

Bondan :
And the program should be held at school?

Agus :
Right. And all school should receive this program.

Bondan :
But do you think those types of programs will be effective? I mean, will the students really will stay away from drugs after they participate in the program.

Agus :
Yes, I think so. I’m sure that if the students know what drugs contain, its effect, and its danger then they would not be curious and would not want to try it. They at least will think twice before trying it.

Bondan :
Yeah, you've got a point there. They'll be more precautious of those addictive substances. Oh, make sure tomorrow you bring visual aids for your speech or your grade would not be maximum

Agus :
You're right. I’m going to prepare it now. Thanks for reminding me about it.

Bondan :

Advising and Warning 3 
Danias :
Look at these articles, more drug users were caught.

Aspani :
Yeah, I think the number of drug users is increasing.

Danias :
Yeah, it’s so sad. We have to be careful not to get plunged into using drugs. How do you think we can stop or at least decrease the number of drug users.

Aspani :
Well, I think besides educating everyone with the information of what drugs are and what they can do to our body, we should also control the drug traffic more strictly.

Danias :
What do you mean?

Aspani :
Well, I think if we stop the drug traffic the drugs available in our society will decrease or even be gone.

Danias :
Yes, you're right. But, what do you think we should do to stop the drug traffic?

Aspani :
I think the police should increase its luggage checking in airports, harbours, city borders, etc.

Danias :
Wouldn't that take time? We will need more policemen then.

Aspani :
Yes, of course. We will also need high technology equipments too. That way, the security checking will be much faster and thorough.

Danias : I agree with you, I think the government should give a thought about that.

Advising and Warning

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